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1 key action

1 key action

1 key action

1 key action

1 key action

1 key action

1 key action


How to grow your business by
focusing on 1 key action

KEY is a 7 steps process to quickly get unstuck, experience fulfillment and effortlessly grow your business by focusing on 1 key action.

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Who it's for

KEY is for you if you are a leader, entrepreneur or business owner who want to get the following results in 2 to 7 days through transformational coaching :

Increase your revenue.
Get unstuck by crushing the internal resistances holding you back.
Experience more fulfillment in your business.
Get clarity on what to focus on right now to get the results your desire.
Access a higher energy state.
Make hard decisions easily.
Have fun running your biz.

Stever Robbins

How to get outstanding results by focusing on 1 key action?

If you are feeling stuck, a lack of fulfillment, confused about what decision to make or things are simply not as fun as you would like them to be, it only means 1 thing...


In your current situation (context) there is 1 primary emotional need which is not fulfilled. What is a need? It is simply something required for growth, therefore you feel stuck.

Another way to view a need is simply as a channel for life energy to go through, therefore when you meet your need, you feel fulfilled and alive. So what is the solution?


The solution is simply to do 1 key action to meet your primary need in the particular context you want to thrive. This is exactly what the 7 steps of KEY are designed to do.

This solution may appear simple but do not let its simplicity fools you, it is scary effective. I had life changing results worth well over $20K with clients by following this exact framework.

Meet your coach

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Hey, it's Isaac! I'm a researcher who value practical experience and then synthesizes it into processes to replicate it in any areas of life.

I started practicing Heartfulness meditation at 17 years old during my 4 years stay in India and fell in love with it. One of my highest value is clarity.

What about you? If you are a leader, entrepreneur or business owner and would like to get unstuck, experience fulfillment and effortlessly grow your business by focusing on 1 key action, let's chat!

Book a call using the calendar bellow and we will determine if KEY is a right fit for you. If you have any question, email:

Talk soon,


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