Is it possible to quickly stop procrastinating on your important project?
It is and I am about to prove it. Here are 3 things you can do to immediately get back in the flow when you notice that you are losing time:
FIRST: find out the unmet emotional need.
It was a Monday evening in Lyon, I was sitting at my desk tormented by dark thoughts. I thought about launching an email campaign for weeks, but also trusted the little voices in my head that kept telling me, "I will do it when I have more time, know more about the topic, feel inspired, achieve x,y, z or get closer to the deadline".
If you suspect that listening to these voices is a fantastic time waster you are right. Turns out they are all BS!
The truth is that I procrastinated because I believed launching the campaign would be painful: I was scared people would criticize me.
My unmet emotional need was appreciation. To find out why you procrastinate, connect to your feelings and ask yourself :
Q1: What unwanted thing do I fear will happen?
Q2: What do I need in this specific situation?
SECOND: remove internal resistances.
I was afraid of criticisms because I was convinced my email campaign was pushy and nobody would be interested.
If you are not taking effective action, there is always a good reason: internal resistances. They consist of sneaky limiting beliefs and negative emotional imprints.
You can learn more about how to remove them for good on my website.
THIRD: consider your need as important and meet it.
After I removed my internal resistances I decided to meet my need for myself. I analyzed my emails and kept editing them until I felt a deep sense of appreciation.
Often, we are not even aware of what our emotional needs are so we ignore them. That's precisely what pushes us out of flow.
I sent out the campaign that evening and made a sell the next day.
To conclude, when you want to stop procrastinating:
1 - Bring light to the unmet need that cause you to procrastinate.
2 - Remove internal resistances.
3 - Meet the need to get back in the flow immediately.